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Climate change

Climate Change

Vision – A leading sustainable city

Addressing climate change links to the aim in the 2040 vision of being a leading sustainable city. Mitigating and adapting to climate change will help to improve energy efficiency in buildings, provide renewable and decentralised energy and respond to flood risk. 

Vision – Healthy and inclusive

Addressing climate change links to the aim in the 2040 vision of creating a heathy and inclusive city. Mitigating and adapting to climate change will help to minimise energy costs, provide more resilient energy networks and overcome health inequalities. 

Objective: Make the fullest possible contribution to the mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change and work towards creating a carbon neutral city. Helping to deliver the strategic priority of net zero Exeter by 2030.


The planet is facing huge environmental challenges caused by human interventions which are increasing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. In recognition of this, the City Council has declared a climate emergency and pledged to work towards creating a carbon neutral city by 2030. We have adopted the Net Zero Exeter 2030 Plan which sets out what Exeter will need to put in place in order to be net zero carbon by 2030.

The Exeter Plan will include policies and proposals that contribute to meeting this challenging ambition and to make the most of the opportunities of a net zero carbon city, whilst adapting to the unavoidable impacts of climate change.

Chapter Summary

This section includes policies that contribute to the mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change and work towards creating a net zero city. Select the boxes below to see summaries of the policies in this chapter. 

To see and comment on the full versions select "next" at the bottom of the page. 

Policy CC1 brings together many climate change considerations to ensure they are addressed together. It requires development to demonstrate support to achieve net zero over its whole lifetime.

Policy CC2 sets out that where planning permission is required for renewable and low carbon energy-generating development, the City Council will support proposals where its impacts are acceptable. However, many of renewable and low carbon energy schemes are often not formally classed as ‘development’ requiring planning permission.

Policy CC3 identifies the areas where evidence suggests local energy networks are feasible and viable and requires that new development outside of these areas but in reasonable proximity to a network, be constructed to allow connection. Local energy networks are where energy (heat and/or power) is generated and distributed close to where it will be used rather than the conventional approach of large power plants providing energy (electricity and gas) through the national grid.

Policy CC4 outlines criteria to be met in order for ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays to be supported.

Policy CC5 seeks to provide a local back-up to the Future Homes Standard and the Future Building Standard. These are standards which the Government is proposing to introduce to deliver buildings which are zero carbon ready, better for the environment and fit for the future.

Policy CC6 introduces the requirement to measure and to reduce embodied carbon emissions associated with the development. The policy also introduces a presumption against one-for-one demolition and replacement of existing housing. Embodied carbon is the amount of carbon emitted during the construction of a building and associated activities (e.g. through raw material extraction, manufacture, transport of materials and eventual material disposal).

Policy CC7 seeks to ensure that all major development that does not already incorporate solar photovoltaic panels is designed and constructed for easy installation of solar at a later time.

Policy CC8 sets out how the City Council will consider flood risk. In all areas development will need to integrate Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) into the design and layout. SuDS mimic natural drainage processes.

Policy CC9 requires new development to contribute to improving water quality and reducing water demand, by installing features that naturally limit people’s water usage such as aerated taps or rainwater harvesting.


Net zero Exeter

The city’s ambition, to be carbon neutral by 2030, is 20 years earlier than the 2050 national net zero target required under the Climate Change Act. This is an incredibly challenging ambition but the nature of the issue justifies this aim. Success will only be achieved through engagement and a genuinely collective effort; we need all organisations, individuals and institutions to play their part.

The City Council is collaborating with the University of Exeter. The University is world-leading in environmental intelligence. It works closely with a range of public and private sector partners in delivering education, research and knowledge exchange activities. Its ambitions include delivering a flagship innovation hub within a state of the art building in Exeter city centre within the proposed City Point development (part of the East Gate site considered later in the plan).

Looking more widely, the performance of buildings will be vital in achieving net zero. The Government’s Future Homes Standard seeks to deliver homes that are zero carbon ready by 2025. The Government has also set out a new Future Buildings Standard which provides a pathway to deliver new non-domestic buildings that are zero carbon ready from 2025. Changes have already been made to the building regulations to reduce carbon emissions and provide a stepping-stone to implementing the new standards. The City Council will keep the Government’s progress in achieving these standards under review and, if necessary, set our own energy efficiency requirements to ensure new development is making reductions in carbon emissions and also playing its role in helping to minimise fuel bills during these challenging times.

However, it is not just the efficiency of buildings themselves that matters. The location of new development and the density and urban form is also key. Urban intensification can enable growth while achieving a reduction in travel demand and an increase in sustainable travel. Higher densities and combinations of uses are likely to provide greater potential for local energy networks and cost effective low carbon energy.

Renewable sources of energy include sun, wind and water power, and ground and air source heat pumps. Biomass energy from organic matter and energy from waste can also make an important contribution to cutting carbon emissions. These sources can offer diversity and security of supply and can reduce harmful emissions to the environment. Whilst grid electricity is increasingly being supplied by renewables, there is still a need to maximise onsite renewable energy generation while community-led renewable and low carbon energy schemes also have an important role to play.

Green infrastructure, Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), and other nature-based solutions to flood risk also have an important role in climate change mitigation.  Through carbon sequestration (for example, trees storing carbon) and urban cooling, these nature-based solutions have a role that extends beyond the obvious environmental and health benefits.

Policy CC1 brings together many of these considerations to ensure they are addressed together. All development should be planned over its whole lifetime to limit carbon emissions and developers will be required to demonstrate how they will contribute to achieving net zero.

CE1: Net zero Exeter

Exeter has an ambition to be net zero by 2030. 

Development proposals will be required to demonstrate how they will support the achievement of net zero through each of the following:

  • Considering location, urban form, density and place-specific solutions;
  • Minimising the need to travel and maximising walking, cycling and public transport;
  • Applying a fabric first approach to maximise energy efficiency;
  • Maximising renewable and low carbon energy generation;
  • Applying the principles of the circular economy;
  • Utilising SuDS and other nature-based solutions to deliver flood risk management; and
  • Providing green infrastructure, biodiversity net gain, and landscape-led schemes.

Renewable and low carbon energy

In order to achieve net zero it is vital that we increase the use and supply of renewable and low carbon energy. The National Planning Policy Framework identifies the responsibility of all communities to contribute to energy generation from renewable or low carbon sources.

Community initiatives are likely to play an increasingly important role and are encouraged as a way of providing positive local benefit from renewable energy development. Community organisations generating energy and/or providing energy advice in Devon are represented by the Devon Community Energy Network.  Communities looking to set up new projects should make contact with the network. Examples of projects that are in the pipeline include rooftop solar and district heating networks.

There are also many examples of innovation from the private sector; from businesses delivering clean green hydrogen, research into new forms of battery storage, development of smart energy management systems, to schemes where surplus/waste heat is captured and used to provide ‘free’ heat elsewhere.

Many of these schemes are not classed as ‘development’ for the purposes of planning. Microgeneration and retrofitting existing premises is often permitted development that may not require an application for planning permission. However, where planning permission is required for renewable energy developments, the City Council will not require applicants for energy development to demonstrate the overall need for renewable or low carbon energy. The City Council recognises that small-scale projects provide a valuable contribution to cutting greenhouse gas emissions and will approve development if its impacts are acceptable (or can be made acceptable by means of conditions). This approach is set out in policy CC2. Additional guidance on proposals involving heritage assets is provided in policy HH2: Heritage assets and climate change.

CC2: Renewable and low carbon energy

Renewable and low carbon energy-generating development, and all related enabling infrastructure (including battery storage and other energy storage facilities), will be supported where proposals avoid unacceptable impacts upon amenity and the natural, historic and built environment. Clear evidence of local community involvement and leadership will be given substantial positive weight. 

Energy-generating development that is neither renewable nor low carbon will not be permitted.

Local energy networks

By considering existing and proposed development, and by working in partnership with developers and other organisations, more decentralised energy networks can be set up that will support the move to a net zero carbon city.

On average, standard centralised power generation (like that which provides power though the grid to most properties) is only 30% efficient, whereas decentralised generation is typically twice as efficient. The greatest efficiencies can be achieved through linking combined heat and power (CHP) plants including energy from waste (EfW) plants, to local energy networks. These provide heat and electricity via a local heat network of pipes and infrastructure which properties can connect to.

There are already heat networks in the city, including at Monkerton, to show how these projects can be provided. The City Council has now identified areas where the scale of development or the heat use opportunities are great enough to justify the planning, design and delivery of heat networks. Policy CC3 identifies the areas where evidence suggests local energy networks are feasible and viable. The policy also requires that new development outside these areas, but in reasonable proximity to a network, be constructed to allow connection (as and when a network is rolled out). Any local energy networks being established adjacent to the City Council’s boundary will take account of development proposals outside of the city and be planned and delivered so that a single energy network is provided, where that is appropriate and viable.

CC3: Local energy networks (Strategic policy)

Local energy networks are proposed in the following locations: 

  1. Monkerton and Hill Barton; 
  2. The city centre, South Gate, Heavitree Road and Wonford; 
  3. Matford, Marsh Barton, Water Lane and Exe Bridges Retail Park;
  4. Red Cow, New North Road and the University; and
  5. In other locations across the city where it is shown that it is feasible and viable to bring forward a local energy network. 

Within these areas, and throughout the city within 500 metres of any local energy network subject to a contractual commitment, all new development (either new build or conversion) with a floorspace of at least 1,000 square metres, or comprising ten or more dwellings, must be constructed to have heating (water and space) systems compatible with the proposed or existing local energy network and include provision for the necessary pipework from those in-building systems up to the appropriate site boundary to allow connection to the network when available. 

Any large scale residential or non-residential development proposal must demonstrate that consideration has been given to whether it is feasible and viable for that development to be connected to any local energy network.

Ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays

In the UK we receive a vast amount of solar energy; in an average year we receive as much as 60% of the solar energy which is received at the equator. This can be compared to the yearly output of 1,000 power stations (Planning guidance for the development of large scale ground mounted solar photovoltaic systems, Building Research Establishment).

The Centre for Energy and the Environment (University of Exeter) was commissioned by the City Council to consider and map the potential for large scale ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays with the City. Whilst this high level analysis does not assess suitability, it does suggest that there is potential for ground-mounted photovoltaic array development within the city boundaries.

Ground-mounted arrays will not be suitable for all sites. The visual impact, both in terms of the physical form and resulting glare from the array, as well as any associated infrastructure and boundary treatment, will need to be carefully assessed in a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment. 

For any proposal, consultation with the City Council and local community is encouraged at an early stage. The local community should be engaged, by the developer, at the pre-design, conceptual stage, ideally using a local exhibition / presentation where community views can be sought and recorded. Opportunities for community benefit should be explored wherever practical.

Policy CC4 outlines criteria to be met in order for ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays to be supported by planning.

CC4: Ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays

Proposals for ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays will be supported if they:

  1. Are sited on previously developed land or agricultural land of classification 3b,4 and 5;
  2. Minimise visual impacts, including cumulative impacts, on the landscape;
  3. Avoid adverse effects on the European Wildlife Sites and on any other known sites of biodiversity interest;
  4. Do not result in the loss of public access, open space, areas of recreation, nor harm the potential opportunities for these functions;
  5. Protect the setting of historic assets;
  6. Avoid areas of high flood risk; and
  7. Do not result in unacceptable amenity and safety impacts.

Future development standards

The Exeter Plan is likely to be adopted at a similar time to the proposed introduction of the Future Homes Standard (FHS) and the Future Building Standard (FBS). These Standards are being introduced by the Government in order to deliver highly efficient homes and non-domestic buildings respectively which are zero carbon ready, better for the environment and fit for the future. The new FHS should ensure that all new homes built after 2025 will produce 75 - 80% fewer carbon emissions than homes delivered under the Building Regulations Part L 2013. The reductions are required by the FBS for non-domestic buildings are yet to be announced, but are expected to be similar in scale. This will significantly reduce the regulated operational emissions for a typical building and make an important contribution to achieving net zero.

In accordance with the Government’s expressed intention to introduce the FHS and FBS in 2025, policy CC5 seeks to ensure that the level of ambition is achieved and the timetable does not slip. This provides a local back-up to the national ambition.

CC5: Future development standards (Strategic policy)

From 2025, residential development will be required to achieve a 78% carbon dioxide emissions reduction from that required under the 2013 Building Regulations and non-domestic buildings will be required to achieve a [TBC]% carbon dioxide emissions reduction from that required under the 2013 Building Regulations.

Note: The percentage reduction in carbon dioxide emissions for non-domestic buildings will be inserted into policy CC5 once announced by Government.

Embodied carbon

Embodied carbon emissions are those associated with raw material extraction, manufacture and transport of building materials, construction, maintenance, repair replacements, dismantling, demolition and eventual material disposal.

Around 10% of UK emissions are thought to be associated with the embodied carbon from new construction. As operational emissions increasingly reduce, embodied emissions will make up a greater proportion of total carbon from the whole life of a building. Work carried out for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) suggests that embodied carbon currently makes up 35 - 51% of a building’s total emissions, rising to 70% as operational energy decarbonises.

A true net zero building is operationally net zero, made from 100% reused materials, and where 100% of the materials can be reused again at the end of its life (if construction, transport and disassembly are carried out with renewable energy). In practice this is extremely hard to achieve in the current UK market and so some embodied emissions are unavoidable. However, simply measuring embodied carbon emissions and then reducing these emissions as far as is possible through good design and planning, can make a significant difference.

Policy CC6 introduces the requirement to measure embodied carbon emissions and take action to reduce this impact. The policy also introduces a presumption against one-for-one replacement of habitable dwellings; an approach that is often taken without due regard to the impact in terms of carbon emissions.

CC6: Embodied carbon

To drive action to reduce embodied carbon emissions, major development proposals will only be permitted where:

  • The impact on climate change from carbon emissions embodied in development materials is calculated using a nationally recognised carbon assessment method; and
  • It is demonstrated that adequate steps have been taken in the design of the development to reduce this impact.
Minor residential development proposals that involve one-for-one replacement of existing habitable dwellings will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that refurbishment is neither viable nor practical.

Solar-ready development

Even when the Future Homes Standard is implemented in 2025 not all developments will incorporate solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. On this basis, it is reasonable (given the minimal cost) to require new development to be designed and constructed to be ‘solar-ready’ to allow for later installation of PV.

To enable this, all major developments must be designed and constructed to optimise the use of solar photovoltaic panels. Where a site incorporates buildings with pitched roofs the site layout should maximise the number of buildings with the main roof aspect facing south east to south west. Buildings with pitched roofs should aim for a roof angle in the range of 35 - 40 degrees, dormers and other design features that break up roof spaces should be avoided, as should the overshadowing of roofs by adjacent buildings.

Buildings shall be constructed with:

  • Placement of non-solar related rooftop equipment that avoids shading of solar equipment and maximises continuous roof space with the aim of at least 75% continuous roof space unobstructed by heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, vents, or any other objects, with all objects located at the north end of the solar-ready roof. 
  • Sizing and/or provision of extra electrical switchboard capacity in the building to accommodate the addition of an appropriately sized future solar energy system. Electrical switchboards in homes should have an excess of 30% capacity, and space for an additional electric switchboard should be provided in non-domestic buildings.
  • Provision of space in the building for a solar photovoltaic system DC-AC inverter in the vicinity of the photovoltaic panels or in another suitable location in the building.
  • Conduits in the building to allow the easy running of cables from the photovoltaic panels to the DC-AC inverter and from the DC-AC inverter to the electrical switchboard.

Solar-ready construction will not be required where despite careful consideration at the design stage, the following are unavoidable:

  • Solar resources are too poor, for example as a result of the building being in the shadow of other taller buildings; or
  • On north facing pitched roofs.

Policy CC7 seeks to ensure that all major development that does not incorporate solar photovoltaic panels is designed and constructed to be solar-ready.

CC7: Solar-ready development

All major development that does not incorporate solar photovoltaic panels when built must be designed and constructed to be ready for the later installation of solar photovoltaic panels, where this is feasible and practical and does not result in unacceptable impacts upon amenity and the natural, historic and built environment.

Flood risk

Increasing flood risk is one of the most high profile consequences of climate change. The recent climate pack from the Met Office suggests that for Exeter, winter precipitation could increase by 5 - 19% by the 2030s, leading to an increased risk of river and surface water flooding.

Exeter’s spatial strategy seeks to avoid areas of higher flood risk (from fluvial, surface water or other sources) by following a sequential, risk-based approach to the location of development. However, development in the urban area on brownfield sites has significant and widespread benefits, including the potential to help mitigate climate change by limiting the need to travel and supporting local energy networks. In order to deliver the sustainable regeneration of brownfield areas such as at Water Lane and Marsh Barton, flood risk will need to be mitigated through SuDS and other nature based solutions, and managed through design and site layout to ensure the development is appropriately flood resistant and resilient.

Policy CC8 sets out how the City Council will consider flood risk. In all areas development will need to integrate Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) into the design and layout. SuDS mimic natural drainage processes and the benefits include minimised costs, reduced overall flood risk, enhanced nature conservation and amenity value, recycling valuable water resources, and better control of pollution from urban run-off.   Where SuDS are not appropriate, appropriate flow attenuation facilities or mitigation measures will be required. For more information, applicants are advised to refer to the Sustainable Drainage Systems: Guidance for Devon document.

In areas of high flood risk (Flood Zones 2 and 3, and other areas of high flood risk) the risk of flooding should be recognised as a key constraint to development. New development should be seen as an opportunity to make improvements to green and other infrastructure to reduce the causes and impacts of flooding in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.

CC8: Flood risk (Strategic policy)

In all areas at risk of flooding, development will only be permitted where it is demonstrated that the proposal satisfies the sequential test and, where necessary, the exception test. In Flood Zone 3 residential development will only be permitted where, in addition to satisfying these tests, it also contributes to reducing overall flood risk. A site-specific flood risk assessment will be required for all development proposals at risk of flooding. All development proposals must mitigate against flood risk by utilising SuDS unless there is clear evidence that this would be inappropriate.

Water quantity and quality

Local Planning Authorities must adopt proactive strategies to adapt to climate change that take full account of water supply and demand considerations. Policy CC9 requires new development to contribute to reducing water demand, and improving water quality.


Over recent years South West Water has reported unprecedented demand for water in the Exeter area; this is partially as a result of the trend towards staycations, but also as a result of warmer summers and drier winters. This increase in demand, combined with the changes in climate, puts a strain on the water supply infrastructure and sources used for abstraction. This is a foretaste of the pressures that are likely to be felt in the future regarding water supply as we experience more of the effects of climate change.

Under climate change scenarios up to 2050, the Devon, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly area is modelled to potentially be impacted by much lower summer flows due to lower rainfall. In light of the evidence of emerging trends towards water being an increasingly scarce resource, a tighter water efficiency requirement of 110 litres per person per day for new homes is justified to help manage demand.  


The Exeter Plan area includes 7 water bodies: Lower River Clyst, Upper River Clyst, North Brook, River Exe (Creedy to Estuary), Alphin Brook, Matford Brook and the Exe. Of these 7 water bodies, 6 have been identified as failing to meet ‘good’ ecological status under the Water Environment Regulations due to having excess levels of nutrients. The sources of nutrients in these water bodies have been identified as urbanisation, agriculture, water company activities, septic tanks, misconnections and private sewage treatment. Over the plan period, the additional development and the decreased dilution that will be experienced in waterbodies because of climate change, will see these pressures become more acute without appropriate interventions.

There may be potential to deliver enhancements within the Valley Parks and landscape setting areas that help return Exeter’s water bodies to ‘good’ ecological status under the Water Environment Regulations. However, it will also be necessary to look upstream of these waterbodies outside Exeter’s boundaries, to deliver some of these enhancements. Development proposals that support the return of Exeter’s water bodies to ‘good’ ecological status will be supported.

The delivery of the South West Water Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan will also be key to addressing this issue. The City Council will continue to work closely with partners including South West Water to deliver this emerging plan, and where necessary, infrastructure contributions will be sought. SuDS will be sought through policy CC8: Flood risk (and the associated legislation). Policy HW2: Pollution and contaminated land, also seeks to ensure development proposals will only be permitted where there are no unacceptable impacts on surface and ground water quality.

CC9: Water quantity and quality

All new residential development must achieve as a minimum water efficiency that requires an estimated water use of no more than 110 litres per person per day.

Development proposals that support the return of Exeter’s water bodies to ‘good’ ecological status, and thereafter maintains that status, will be supported.   Development proposals that harm the ecological status of any of Exeter’s water bodies will not be supported.

The City Council will work closely with South West Water and all other partners to help deliver the Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan and, where necessary, contributions will be sought towards water infrastructure.

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