This phase of engagement has ended.
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Evidence and sustainability appraisal



The following sources of evidence have been produced and are used to support the content of the Exeter Plan. 

Sustainability Appraisal

2023 Sustainability Appraisal

2023 Sustainability Appraisal - Non Technical Summary

2023 Sustainability Appraisal - Annex 1 Site Appraisals

Climate Change

2020 Low Carbon Study

2020 Net Zero Exeter Plan

2021 GHG Monitoring Report for 2019

2022 Corporate Carbon Footprint University Report

2023 A Non-Technical Overview of Energy and Carbon Standards for New Buildings

2023 Exeter’s potential for wind and solar energy

2023 Heat network evidence


2019 Liveable Exeter Document

2020 Exeter Brownfield Sites Study

2020 Part 1 Exeter Urban Capacity Study

2020 Part 1 Exeter Urban Capacity Study - Appendices

2020 Part 1 Exeter Urban Capacity Study - Methodology

2021 Part 2 Exeter Urban Capacity Study

2021 Exeter Urban Density Study

2022 Local Housing Needs Assessment

2021 HELAA Methodology

2021 HELAA Panel Terms of Reference

2023 Liveable Exeter Principles Document

2023 Water Lane Principles

2023 Exeter Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)

Economy & jobs

2018 Retail Study Part 1

2019 Retail Study Part 2

2022 Exeter Employment Study

2022 JLL Greater Exeter Economic Development Needs Assessment

2023 HJA Greater Exeter Economic Development Needs Assessment

Sustainable transport & communications

2020 Exeter Transport Strategy

2023 Greater Exeter Strategic Modelling Report

2023 Greater Exeter Modelling update: Forecasting report

2023 Exeter only model update report

Future of our high streets

2018 Retail Study Part 1

2019 Retail Study Part 2  

Natural environment

2022 Landscape Sensitivity Assessment

2022 Landscape Sensitivity Assessment - Assessments 1

2022 Landscape Sensitivity Assessment - Assessments 2

2022 Landscape Sensitivity Assessment - Assessments 3

2022 Landscape Sensitivity Assessment - Assessments 4

2023 Habitat Regulations Assessment

Infrastructure and facilities

2022 Playing Pitch Strategy

2023 Infrastructure Delivery Plan


2021 Issues Consultation Document

2021 Issues Consultation Summary

2022 Outline Draft Consultation Document

2022 Outline Draft Consultation Summary

2023 Equalities Impact Assessment

2023 Consultation Plan

This engagement phase has finished

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