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Marsh Barton


Marsh Barton - Site reference 14

Marsh Barton is the largest strategic site (in terms of area) proposed for allocation in the Exeter Plan. Located between Alphington Road and the Great West Mainline railway in the southwest of the city, it will provide high quality, mixed use development in phases up to the end of the plan period in 2040 and beyond. The site is currently in use and so is brownfield and currently contains a variety of uses including light industry, bulky goods retail, car show rooms and waste management facilities. 

Although the site is currently one of the city’s main employment areas, it is developed at low densities and so provides a real opportunity to be redeveloped as a high quality mixed use neighbourhood to provide a large amount of housing whilst continuing to provide significant employment space in a location relatively close to the city centre and the nearby site allocation of Water Lane. 

The scale of the site provides a unique opportunity to comprehensively and creatively redevelop an area of the city providing high quality development and an attractive walkable neighbourhood with high specification, low carbon credentials. The mixture of residential and employment uses on the site will be supported by a full range of community uses including education, healthcare and green infrastructure which will minimise the need to travel and enable the development to be low car. Links to the Riverside Valley Park and the new Marsh Barton railway station will support active travel and healthy lifestyles. 

The site is currently in multiple ownerships, including small areas owned by the public sector. There is strategic infrastructure on site such as the waste management facilities and energy infrastructure which will need to be safeguarded. The number of owners and scale of the regeneration opportunity mean that the site would be delivered in phases and potentially through innovative mechanisms with coordination from the public sector to deliver a high quality new quarter for Exeter. 

Further work will be required to consider the delivery of Marsh Barton through a master-planning exercise. Consultation with the local community will be required before the submission of planning applications.

Marsh Barton site

Marsh Barton – Reference 14 (Strategic policy)

A site of 90 hectares at Marsh Barton is identified for a mixed-use development delivering approximately 1,000 homes and employment floor-space in phases up to 2040.  The development must support the achievement of net zero and accord with the Liveable Exeter Principles to deliver a compact and well-connected neighbourhood, incorporating the highest standards of design.

The following will be required: 

  1. A housing mix built to optimal densities taking account of local context and the Exeter Density Study, which meets a wide range of housing needs including: 
  1. 35% affordable homes for eligible households with a local connection or key workers, of which 50% will be for social rent, 13% for affordable rent, 25% for First Homes with a discount of 30% on market prices and the remainder for additional affordable homeownership;
  2. Custom and self-build plots;
  3. At least 10% of market homes and 10% of affordable homes built to meet wheelchair adaptable standards and all other homes built to meet accessible and adaptable standards;
  4. A range of dwelling sizes that takes account of local need; and
  5. A 70 unit extra care housing scheme. 
B. The re-provision of existing levels of employment space at higher densities to make more efficient use of land, including:
  1. A mix of new forms of employment provision to meet the needs of the transformational sectors, including work hubs, collaborative workspace and live-work schemes; and
  2. Provision of start-up units for small and medium enterprises. 

C. A locally accessible neighbourhood centre including:

  1. Public realm that provides space for community and cultural activities;
  2. A community building with hall, meeting rooms and flexible space for potential library provision, youth, adult’s services, children’s services and cultural activities;
  3. New surgery providing GP, pharmacy and other community healthcare or contributions to GP provision;
  4. Retail or commercial units;
  5. A work hub;
  6. A mobility hub; and
  7. An all-through school including early years, primary, secondary and special educational needs and communal space for children's centre service provision;
  8. Potential transformational, strategic, anchor facility including commercial, leisure, cultural, sport or civic uses. 

D. Transport infrastructure to deliver a low-car development:

  1. A layout in accordance with active design principles comprising a dense network of active travel routes which link to existing routes, Marsh Barton and St Thomas stations and the neighbourhood centre;
  2. High quality north-south and east-west active travel routes; 
  3. The safeguarding of the disused railway line for use as an active travel and potential emergency access and egress route; 
  4. The provision of improved active travel and public transport access at Tan Lane under the Great West Mainline towards Water Lane;
  5. The provision of active travel improvements to the existing underbridge under the Great West Mainline linking to Water Lane; 
  6. Contributions to off-site active travel routes including priority schemes in the Exeter Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan;
  7. A mobility hub to provide for public transport, active travel and shared mobility;
  8. Provision of infrastructure for, and contributions to, public transport; and
  9. Electric vehicle charging points throughout the site.

E. Enhancement of the natural environment and Green Infrastructure:

  1. Green Infrastructure provision in accordance with the Green Infrastructure Strategy including contributions to off-site provision;
  2. A mix of open space provision including for sport and recreation;
  3. High quality green infrastructure improvements to the Alphin Brook and linking to the Exeter Ship Canal and Riverside Valley Park; 
  4. On-site provision of allotments; 
  5. Mitigation contributions to ensure no adverse effect on the European Sites, in accordance with requirements set out in the South-east Devon Mitigation Strategy; and
  6. Biodiversity enhancements.

F. An energy strategy that minimises carbon emissions (both operational and embodied), incorporates renewable and low carbon energy generation and helps to deliver, and connect to, local energy networks.

G. Appropriate measures to respond to, and ensure the continued operation of, the high voltage power network.

H. Appropriate flood risk mitigation:
  1. A layout informed by a detailed flood risk assessment which addresses flood risk from all sources ensuring a consistency of approach with Water Lane;
  2. Sustainable Urban Drainage to mitigate against flood risk; 
  3. Provision of the necessary infrastructure to help deliver the Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan; and
  4. An emergency access and egress route and access bridge over the Great Western Mainline linking to Water Lane.

I. Conservation and enhancement of the historic environment:

  1. A layout informed by archaeological and heritage assessment, evaluation and mitigation; and
  2. A built form that protects the settings of all nearby listed buildings.

Note: Policy not yet tested by viability appraisal.

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