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Climate change contributions

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7 months ago


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Adapting to climate change and the implications of achieving net zero involve creating new ways of thinking, acting and moving about, as the Full Draft acknowledges. Maximizing the multi-contributions that the city of Exeter’s usable waterway – the canal – would make to the new pattern for Exeter is not signposted among strategic options. We think this omission is a mistake. While the importance of ‘green infrastructure’ is acknowledged in paragraph 4.8, the Ship Canal is not ‘green’ infrastructure but a historic, place-defining structure with a continuing role to play in the change to climate-conscious living. Examples of its economic contributions to a better environment include piloting the canal as a test bed for transformational academic research, for example into aquatic biodiversity and renewable, emission-free energy for propulsion and environmental protection; cutting emissions through developing waterborne freight and commercial transport, particularly to benefit supply chains for locally produced cargoes; creating carbon zero transport links for local pedestrians and tourists to parks, footpaths and other destinations; and introducing opportunities for attracting low-carbon water-related commerce and business, both hi-tech and traditionally craft based. Innovatively, canal water where available can be used to heat and cool buildings. Defensively, the canal also has a role in the city’s general, long-term flood resistance to the effects of rises in sea level because of climate change. It is suggested an additional short umbrella paragraph is inserted after paragraph 4.8 on p. 20 to reflect these continuing contributions in general terms. A new bullet point is suggested for CC1: Net zero Exeter (Strategic policy): • Exploring opportunities to link new developments to use of the canal and basin as part of solutions to minimise carbon emissions at design and delivery stages.

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In relation to new building and brownfield developments, the canal is an alternative corridor for transport of building and repair materials and heavy machinery, which could reduce the length of exhaust-producing journeys on roads. Embodied carbon would also be reduced by working with contractors and others in the supply chain generally to develop ideas for water transport that reduce polluting emissions. An additional bullet point is suggested for CC6: Embodied carbon: • Adequate steps have been taken to consider waterborne transport to mitigate adverse impacts of construction and site preparation. Every little will count over the coming decades in the long-term campaign of exploration and re-thinking that will underpin Exeter’s move to net zero. It is too early to leave out references to the potentiality of Exeter’s green and usable water corridor. Strategies need to be inclusive and indicative at this stage.

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7 months ago


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Climate Change S-CC-1: Proposals must consider their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions arising from unintended consequences on other activities. Where such consequences are likely to result in increased greenhouse gas emissions, proposals should demonstrate that they will, in order of preference: a) avoid b) minimise c) mitigate unintended consequences on other activities. • Climate Change S-CC-2: Proposals should demonstrate for the lifetime of the proposal that: 1) they are resilient to the effects of climate change 2) they will not have a significant adverse impact upon climate change adaptation measures elsewhere. In respect of 2) proposals should demonstrate that they will, in order of preference: a) avoid b) minimise c) mitigate the significant adverse impacts upon these climate change adaptation measures. • Climate Change S-CC-3: Proposals in the south marine plan area and adjacent marine plan areas that are likely to have a significant adverse impact on coastal change should not be supported. • Climate Change S-CC-4: Proposals that may have a significant adverse impact on habitats that provide a flood defence or carbon sequestration ecosystem service must demonstrate that they will, in order of preference: a) avoid b) minimise c) mitigate significant adverse impacts.

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• Renewables S-REN-1: Proposals that support the development of supply chains associated with the deployment of renewable energy will be supported.

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• Water Quality S-WQ-1: Proposals that may have significant adverse impacts upon water environment, including upon habitats and species that can be of benefit to water quality must demonstrate that they will, in order of preference: a) avoid b) minimise c) mitigate significant adverse impacts. • Water Quality S-WQ-2: Activities that can deliver an improvement to water environment, or enhance habitats and species which can be of benefit to water quality should be supported.

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7 months ago


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7 months ago


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7 months ago


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