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Land adjoining Silverlands contributions

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8 months ago


How do you feel about the site adjoining Silverlands?


Why do you feel this way and do you have any other comments?

Is there not enough housing in Alphington

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8 months ago


How do you feel about the site adjoining Silverlands?


Why do you feel this way and do you have any other comments?

The proposal is sited in an area of high archaeological potential. Archaeological finds and features have been found on adjacent land. Any development should be supported by predetermination assessment and evaluation and accompanied by a programme of archaeological mitigation.

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8 months ago


How do you feel about the site adjoining Silverlands?


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Alphington Village Forum makes the following responses to this consultation. 1. There are two sites within Alphington which are part of the allocation for housing. These are sites 125 (land behind 66 Chudleigh Road) and site 18 (land adjacent to Silverlands). Developers of these sites should use the SW Alphington SPD as a material consideration. This is not referenced in the consultation. The Alphington SPD plan (Figure 1) shows that vehicle access to these sites should be from Chudleigh Road and this position should be maintained because the adjacent Aldens Farm West site being developed by Tilia Homes is meant to have a second access point, which was originally required by DCC in 2015. The SPD also requires preservation of the building and setting to The Gables at 76 Chudleigh Road, which is adjacent to site ref 18. We consider these two considerations remain essential for these sites. 2. The allocation for the sites 125 and 18, which are 16 and 37 respectively, provide no additional detail on the dwelling density. The SW Alphington SPD includes considerations re density and it is not clear if the allocations in the draft plan are in line with the SPD, which states that the norm for such sites in outer Exeter is 35dph and the Exeter Core Strategy (2012) gives the maximum total number of new dwellings in the village as 500.

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8 months ago


How do you feel about the site adjoining Silverlands?


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Exeter needs to keep green space and the proposed fields should be retained for agricultural purposes.

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8 months ago


How do you feel about the site adjoining Silverlands?


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